Wound Care Today 2018 will provide an in-depth look at theoretical, practical and personal challenges for those working in the field of wound care.

Three distinct learning streams:

  • Expert opinion leaders will provide interactive sessions exploring issues including advances in technology, wound diagnostics, healing outcomes and challenging wound care trends.
  • Personal development will take the individual on a journey of self-awareness and build and communicate their personal brand by defining personal strengths, values and leadership style.
  • Skills zone will provide delegates with small interactive hubs of learning through demonstrations of essential practical skills, including debridement techniques, writing for publication and complex compression.


Day 1 5th June – The journey begins …

08:30 – 10:00

Exhibition opens

10:00 – 10:30

Small Things are Big Things: why human relationships in healthcare matters and what can be done to strengthen them.

Jocelyn Cornwell, Chief Executive, Point of Care Foundation

Jocelyn will set the scene for the next two days focusing our attention on the importance of human relationships and how this is pivotal in all care settings. She will look at the latest research into what matters to patients about their care and what staff say about their experience at work, and at the evidence which shows that the relationship between the two is causal. In most healthcare settings, staff experience comes first, which means that how staff feel, and how they relate to their colleagues, their managers and the organisation they work for turns out to impact on patients and their experience of care. She will examine the implications of this evidence for what individuals, teams and senior leaders in organisations. 

10:30 – 11:00

Patient story — the impact of living with a wound

11:00 – 11:30

Managing lower limb wounds using effective pathways to achieve 90% healing in 120 days

David Gray, Professor, Birmingham City University; Director, Healogics Wound Healing Centres

  • Multiple clinics over a 5 year period demonstrating consistent outcome
  • Company based training for all staff
  • Presentation of complex cases studies
  • Questions from the audience

11:30 – 12:00

Taking a proactive approach to Lymphoedema

Karen Morgan, National Lymphoedema Education and Research Lead and

Melanie Thomas, National Lymphoedema Clinical Lead, both at Lymphoedema Network Wales

  • Early intervention and management of patients with chronic oedema is vital in reducing the patient’s risk of developing complexities, such as cellulitis and wounds
  • The chronic oedema ‘Wet Leg’ pathway supports prompt, effective management of wet legs and superficial wounds; using this pathway reduces dressing costs, episodes of cellulitis and decreases community nurse visits, thereby releasing time back to care and support value-based health care for the patient and NHS
  • The All Wales Lymphoedema Compression Garment Formulary can be used as an evidence-based prescribing tool and is an essential guide
  • Questions from the audience

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch / exhibition / skills zone

14:00 – 14:30

Innovations in managing diabetic foot ulcers

Andrew Sharpe, Advanced Podiatrist, Blackpool Teaching Hospital, NHS Trust

  • How technology and IT can support the clinician in prevention, early diagnosis, follow-up care and how this can help with more effective resource application
  • Exploring the evidence and achieving best practice
  • Questions from the audience

14:30 – 15:30

Free papers

Each speaker will be provided with 10 minutes — seven-minute presentation and three minutes for questions. This is an opportunity to showcase and share innovative work in practice

  • Innovations in practice — from technology to improving patient outcomes
  • Challenging wound care trends — reducing the variants that affect all wound care providers
  • Complex and challenging case reports — review of unusual clinical case reports

15:30 – 16:30

Break / exhibition / skills zone

16:30 – 17:00

Red legs: getting the right diagnosis

Leanne Atkin, Lecturer Practitioner, Division of Podiatry and Clinical Sciences, University of Huddersfield

  • The burden of cellulitis — clinical signs and why these can be misinterpreted
  • Differential diagnosis and how this impacts on management
  • What else can be done?
  • Questions from the audience

17:00 – 17:30

How to break down invisible barriers

Anita Kilroy-Findley, Tissue Viability Nurse, Adult Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Children, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

  • Mental health and learning disability service users get the same wounds as everyone else — are they being referred to specialist services?
  • How do we ensure that patients’ beliefs are included in treatment objectives
  • Thinking out of the box and still achieving measurable outcomes
  • Questions from the audience

17:30 – 18:00

Recognising the unexpected! When all is not as it seems

Joy Tickle, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist, Clinical lead, Shropshire Community NHS Trust

Taking delegates on a journey of clinical challenges, discussing a variety of unusual cases and the diagnostic processes for each one:

  • Ensuring accurate diagnosis of a wound: why does it matter?
  • Clinical signs and symptoms of differential wound aetiologies including pyoderma gangrenosum, vasculitis and malignancy
  • How can the Multi-disciplinary team manage these wounds together?
  • Questions from the audience


Conference close

19:00 – 20:00

Drinks reception



Wound Care Today guest dinner speaker
Greg Searle, MBE
Olympic Rower — Gold, Barcelona 1992; Bronze, Atlanta 1996; Bronze, London 2012
World Championship Gold, 1993
Greg shares his experiences of training as a world-class athlete to encourage others

Day 2 6th June – A journey of discovery …

08:00 – 09:00

Wound Care Today international guest speaker

Dr Kshitij Shandkhdhar, Consultant Diabetologist, Indiranagar, Lucknow. Dr Shandkhdhar has been awarded for his pioneering work in the field of diabetic foot care in India and his clinic in Lucknow was recognised as a ‘state-of-the-art diabetic foot clinic’ at the National Diabetic Foot Conclave of India, Mumbai, 14 July, 2017

Dr Shandkhdhar will explain how his practice has evolved through personnel development along with professional expertise to meet the challenges of developing a worldwide service in a developing country, thus tying together the themes from both days one and two of Wound Care Today 2018

09:00 – 10:00

Break / exhibition / skills zone

Day 2 to be presented by Talking Talent — an award-winning global coaching consultancy who are passionate about unlocking potential in individuals and organisations.

10:00 – 12:00

Understanding yourself and others

Explore what makes you and others tick so you can have more impact in your relationships and conversations. You’ll learn how to:

  • Use the True Colours personality tool to identify on your own personality type
  • Easily recognise different personality preferences in others
  • Create more impact with people of opposite preferences

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch / exhibition / skills zone

14:00 – 16:00

Courageous conversations

Equip yourself with the skills and confidence to successfully have those difficult conversations which we tend to worry about, avoid or delay having. We’ll explore how to:

  • Structure your message effectively
  • Communicate without extra baggage
  • Avoid a drama triangle dynamic


Summary / evaluation and close of event

If you would like any further information, please email